
Weekly Roundup

Visit Flixter to watch movie trailers, read reviews, find show times, network with other fans, take quizzes and polls and even watch movies and TV shows. Sign up for free and customize the site with your preferences.

Book Ase is a free service that allows you to compare prices of any textbook among major online bookstores worldwide. They claim you can buy books at 30% - 95% off the market list price. You can also use the site to find the best price for books you have to sell.

Job Doggy is designed to help teens and students throughout their job search, from beginning to end. Just type in your zip code to find out what is available. Register for free with the site for additional benefits. 

This article ponders small purchases and when a cup of coffee is so much more than a cup of coffee.

Check out Spark Recipes for delicious, healthy recipes submitted by their 8 million members. They also have a resident chef that whips up original dishes and menu makeovers, and a recipe calculator gives you the calories, fat, and nutrition info for it all.

Weekly Reminder – A reminder of a useful article you might have missed.
This article offers ideas on how to make money from vacant houses.

Have a good weekend!

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