
Weekly Roundup

Full Fitness is a free fitness site that offers workout routines, exercises you can perform with weight machines, free-weights, or alone. You also might find a few tasty recipes!

Pogo offers free online games, including “puzzle games, word games, card games, and board games. Unlike other free online games sites, we offer a variety of classic Hasbro board games like RISK, Yahtzee, Scrabble, and Monopoly. We also have popular games like Chess, Spider Solitaire, Cribbage, and Bejeweled.” You can also enter to win prizes.

Voice America claims to have 2.5 million listeners and features Web-based talk radio programming and more than 200 hosts talking about topics from sports and finance to health, hobbies, pop culture and business. If you haven’t listened yet give them a try.

Most of us don’t think much about aging until it starts to become noticeable in our personal lives. When it’s about others, oh well; but when the shadow of mortality hangs over us, we start to pay attention. Stanford University is using a computer enhanced shock technique to help people pay more attention to their retirement needs.

I have featured a few sites exclusively for the ladies in the past, but this week it’s your turn men. In an ever more androgynous and morally neutral environment that has produced so many wimps or thugs as pop culture or sports idols, The Art of Manliness stands out like a saving beacon in the night. Their goal of “Reviving the lost art of manliness” will sound strangest to those most in need of help!    

Weekly Reminder – A reminder of a useful article you might have missed.
This post ponders why a weekly menu matters and offers some delicious recipes.

Make it a great weekend!


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  2. Melissa -

    Great score with the potato chips, and thanks for the nice words.


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