
Do You Haggle?

When I was growing up I was made by my parents to accompany them during their travels around the state looking to buy antiques. We went to antique shops, flea markets, auctions, estate sales, garage sales; anyplace there might be a chance of finding what they were looking for. During these forced treasure hunts I was encouraged to start collecting items myself, if only to get me more interested in going along. So with my small allowance and maybe some lawn mowing money I began collecting comic books, old marbles, military items and various oddball things. I’m sure they both instructed me but I mostly remember my mom giving me tips in the fine art of haggling. I can’t remember the exact wording, but her advice went something like this:

Never pay full price. If they can’t come down, you don’t need it right now. You will find it cheaper somewhere else.

If they don’t take your offer don’t be afraid to just walk away.

Is it even worth a lower offer? Junk is junk no matter what the price.

Try offering half. If they don’t accept you could still get a decent counter offer.

Those were the basics, and they worked well then and still do today. If you are a haggler what tips or advice would you give?

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